Pysical Penetration Testing

Let’s talk about a critical intersection in the world of security; the combination of physical security and brand reputation. On January 9th 2022, a woman was killed while pumping gas when a 65 year old man backed up his SUV into the gas pump. The pump exploded into flames. The woman who was standing beside it was burned to death. This is a horrific and tragic situation that should never have happened. The gas station should have installed bollards to protect the physical pumps from being hit by a car. There should be a federal law that all gas pumps are required to have bollards protecting them. However, there is no such law and so instead, when loss of life happens from such a preventable incident we are left to ask whether the franchise owner is partially responsible.  Many will rightfully criticize the owner and the brand for allowing such…

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These study notes are provided for students of CompTIA Pentest+ exam. If you notice any problems with the notes, please let me know via email (   General Pentesting Engagement Scoping Information Gathering Vulnerability Scanning Exploitation Process Pentest Tools Exploit Specifics Post Exploit Communication Processes

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The LockPicking Lawyer on Youtube is a highly skilled locker picking professional. His videos sure to amaze and are a wealth of knowledge to pentesters looking for physical penetration testing attacks. However, not all of his videos attack the keyway with a set of picks. His videos that use other technology to bypass locks and security devices tell a very interesting tale about the state of the art of technology. I have included some of his videos with a brief description, all of which demonstrate different aspects of lock bypassing. In the first video, you see a new device on the market which is specially designed to take images of the inside of a Kwikset Smartkey keyway. The product is from a company called LockTech LTKSD, and costs about $350 USD. The implication is that this could be used to quickly build a physical key that can work with a…

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