
Auto Maker Patenting Since 2007

Which of the top automakers is leading the software patenting charge towards autonomous vehicles? This chart shows which automakers have been acquiring patents since 2007. Looks like Honda and GM are really collecting the most patents with Nissan in the number 3 position. Expectedly data processing for vehicle navigation is by far the run-away top software UPC for patenting by most auto makers.

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Probability of Litigation for Software Patents vs USPTO Average

The first chart below shows the probability that a patent will become litigated for the whole USPTO (blue), commercial and business software IPC G06Q (red), and the total G06Q patent issued per year from 1990-2011. The chart tells the story pretty clearly. That is, software patents have a much higher possibility of litigation than average for the whole USPTO. Also, commercial software patenting is increasing significantly to over 3000 patents per year. In this data model probability is calculated by the number of litigated patents each year divided by a cumulative total of issued patents in each category starting in 1976. While patenting is increasing, litigation is increasing faster. The actual probabilities may be slightly higher than shown here considering that the cumulative totals are run from 1976 until the calculated year. The second chart showing the average age of litigated patents for the entire USPTO and G06Q show that…

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US Dominates Software Patents.. But Do They Have Any Value?

The uncertainty in the dragons den of software patents may be driving many countries away from competing for patents. This is perhaps bad news for the US and further evidence that software patents restrict innovation. Considering that only 12.9% of software patents hold up upon litigation ( The study was carried out by John R. Allison, Mark A. Lemley & Joshua Walker for McCombs Graduate School of Business, University of Texas at Austin). The data are actually quite staggering. The chart above shows that the US holds approximately 55% of all USPTO patents in existence. On the other hand, The US holds almost 70% of all software patents in the US and even more staggeringly 85% of all business and commercial software patents.

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Does social media allow us to become more polarized?

Does social media allow us to become more polarized? It certainly allows us to socialize with the people we choose independent of where they are on the planet at any given time. I’m 33 years old and therefore I remember I was just a high school student when the Internet really became a viable tool for every day use in people’s homes and schools. At that time in a dormitory, apartment building, or neighborhood it was still common to make friends and socialize and get to know the people around your regardless of political differences that you have with them or even some social characteristics they have that may not match your own. These days it’s possible to avoid so many people that are around you every day because you can stay connected to other people so easily. I read research that shows people have a sort of maximum number…

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Finance Podcasts and Youtube Channels

Here is a list of my favorite podcasts and youtube channels to stay informed about the stock market. S&A Investor Radio Host: Frank Curzio: Renowned small stock specialist The Disciplined Investor Host: Andrew Horrowitz: Money manager and market analyst In the Money Stocks Host: Nick Santiago: Daily and intra-daily analysis for day traders

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Lenovo is Topping the PC Pile

Lenovo is the world’s #2 PC maker and today they announced that they hit better then expected earnings in their 2012 Q2 SEC filing. Lenovo’s profit is up 30% and that’s a good sign although further slowdown in the PC, and consumer tech market is expected. Of course the political rise of China is a hot topic these days and has a great impact globalization, technology, and the future. As China develops it’s technological ability, it seeks to also climb the ladder in terms of value, innovation, and global branding. China’s new strategy will be to take the knowledge, products, and technology the western companies have deposited in China and innovate those products, re-brand those products with Chinese companies, and enter the global market not only as a manufacturer, but also as a designer and seller of tech products. You can see this happening quite clearly now with Lenovo…

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Self-Driving Cars Getting Closer to Market

Self-driving cars are now a reality, but not a market option. Many of us hope they will become one soon for many reasons, primarily safety and convenience. The following article from Reuters today outlines the state-of-the-art, discusses the history, and provides some clues as to when the market, and laws will start to accept self-driving cars. The following quote seemed interesting to me: “Boules and executives like him will have to win over a public that includes those who love to drive or simply wouldn’t trust their lives to a robot. Others, like long-haul truckers, could resist the technology for fear of job losses” The cultural passion of driving is, at least to me, the weakest argument for an absence of self-driving vehicles on the market. Considering that they can mix with driver operated cards well, and at least for the time being, people who love driving could continue…

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A Simple Strategy

This advice from Harvard Business Review seems to match up to the idea that keeping a simple strategy allow your managers to keep a uniform and united front on achieving it. A strategy effective relies on your people’s ability to understand the strategy. The more complex and convoluted you make the strategy, the more diversified it will become, and the more it will stray away from the actual intentions. [youtube]

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