If  you find it hard to believe that a company such as Apple, Microsoft, or Google might intentionally leave their users exposed to blatant security flaws such as allowing apps to steal the data on your mobile device clipboard, good luck in kindergarten this semester because you must be 5 years old.  Major corporations now have the art of turning their customer’s vulnerability into profits, and henceforth we shall constantly being abused by these tyrannical titans of tech. Those of us in the ultra-paranoid computing demographic of IT security freaks are constantly having to squeegee our brains off the wall from having our minds blown by news of egregious security flaws that seem to gaslight the corporation/client relationship.  For example, why would Apple feel the need to ask my permission to send analytics metrics from the phone to improve it’s function, but NOT ask me if they could share the…

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Update PHP 7.x to 7.4 CentOS 7 Remi Repo

WordPress 5.4 has been reminding admins to update PHP to 7.4.  Even if you are on PHP 7.1 you will receive the message in your dashboard.  Here are the instructions to upgrade from PHP 7.1 Remi Repo on Centos 7. READ FIRST — IMPORTANT !!! Get a complete backup snapshot of your server before you complete these update steps 1. First thing you should do is do any core OS updates and package updates. # yum update -y   2. Check which version of PHP you are currently running. # php -v PHP 7.1.33 (cli) (built: Oct 26 2019 10:16:23) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies   3. Print a list to see all the PHP packages you have installed. You will need to replace all these packages in PHP 7.4. You should copy this list to a file…

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3D Printing Solutions for COVID-19

A serious potential drawback of the just-in-time economy (JIT) is that when the demand for critical supplies increase sharply, that supply is not immediately available, which in the current corporate cluster-fuck known as COVID-19 leaves our front-line health care staff with a broomstick jammed so far up their arse that you can follow them around like Hansel and Grettel from the ass blood they are hemorrhaging down onto the floor they walk on. Personal protective equipment (PEE) is critical to public health-care staff and sadly many of these hero’s lives have already been lost during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis due to supply chain short comings. In some ways, 3D printing has proven itself to be more agile during this crisis.  For one, the 3D printer allows production of a wider array of products than any other single device.  For example, during the COVID-19 outbreak, 3D printing companies were immediately able…

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Building a crypto-currency POS with an API.

Bitcoin Featureed Image

I’ve recently been working on a project to create a crypto-currency wallet and API for POS transactions. I won’t tell you which crypto-currency I’m working on publicly, but if you want to hire me for helping you to create a POS system, blockchain parser, or API. Please let me know. First off, I had to choose between two packages: Node.js driven bitcoin-insight-api, and python scripted bitcoin-abe. Both are available on GitHub. https://github.com/bitcoin-abe/bitcoin-abe https://github.com/bitpay/insight-api Although it seems that node.js is increasing in popularity everyday, and python is looked down on by some for it’s high-level syntax, I eventually decided to use bitcoin-abe for the time being with hopes of eventually modifying the insight app. My reasoning is as follows: insight is dependant on bitcore.js. Right now there is not much documentation out there on modifying bitcore to work with alt-coins. There docmentation even advises that the package is still in development…

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Although I’m new to security encryption techniques and do not have worlds of experience or experience under my belt, I’m constantly learning more. I’m also a regular listener of the podcast Security Now with Steve Gibson on the TWIT network. Last week, the podcast was Steve’s presentation of SQRL (pronounced “squirrel”), which attempts to solve security, privacy and usabilt issues regarding the age old computing paradigm of username / password account security. To a large degree it seems that Steve’s proposal takes from the SSH paradigm used for secure logging into remote servers; namely an asymetrical key pair. Not only does this allow the user to avoid remembering a laundry-list of usernames and passwords that need to be periodically changed for optimal security, but also improves user privacy by allowing some information about the user such as email address to be excluded from the requirements for a user account. Understandably,…

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Nodejs – Becoming a more important web-app package everyday

Here are some links to articles and tutorials on how to get started in nodejs. Express for nodejs tutorial This is a great tutirial for getting started with nodejs. It shows how to create a package.json file and install using npm from there. This is important as a fast, reliable, and reproducable way to get the nodejs packages you need all in one place. The tutorial continues to show how to set up nodejs to listen on localhost port and also how to set up a basic router and directory / file structure. http://codeforgeek.com/2014/06/express-nodejs-tutorial/ http://codeforgeek.com/2014/10/express-complete-tutorial-part-1/ Nodejs and PHP Good article on using nodejs with PHP. I love php and it’s great they are compatible. That allows me to only apply nodejs for scripting some APIs (for example Bitcoin) and still use PHP as my main engine for serving dynamic website content. http://strongloop.com/strongblog/node-js-php-get-started/

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