Red Monk identifies hottest programming languages using GitHub

The most important programming languages is a concern. If you want to identify trends in web-app programming, web-stack, or even mobile, back-end etc., you need to forecast changes. This can allow you to make intelligent changes in selecting which language to apply to your projects. Here in January 2014 Red Monk uses GitHub repos to identify the most important languages out there right now. I’m sorry I didn’t see this until 2014 is almost over, however I believe it’s still relevant in 2015. Here is a quote from the Red Monk article itself: <quote>" While the appetite for up to date numbers is strong, the truth is that historically changes from snapshot to snapshot have been minimal. This is in part the justification for the shift from quarterly to bi-annual rankings. Although we snapshot the data approximately monthly, there is little perceived benefit to cranking out essentially the same numbers…

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Enjoy Android apps on Chromebooks?

Digitimes research Group has posted their forecast for chrome books in 2014. According to their expectations chrome book sales going strengthen in the next few years. James Kendrick at ZDNet also reported his expectation that chrome books will be able to use android apps back in January 2013. This is exciting proposition and not only completely logical but I would expect that chrome book sales completely depend on their ability to use android apps. Obviously the number of android apps, is high and help android smartphone due to network effects. Although a lot of your Java code can be reused if you’re to just repackage your app for Chrome OS, number of available apps on Chrome OS could instantly multiply without increasing developer workload. I think the experience of running an android app on Chrome OS would be suitable for the user, and would instantly increase the chrome OS network…

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TIOBE Index: December 2013

December Headline: Transact-SQL programming language of 2013? TIEBO will announce language of the year next month.   Transact-SQL is expected to increase after gaining +1.30% in one year.  I code in MySQL primarily.  Visual Basic .NET (+0.80%), JavaScript (+0.53%) and F# (+0.41%) round out the top group.  I’m currently in the midst of trying to brush up my anaemic Java programming experience with a course on Python Programming. From the TIOBE Site: As of this month we have published our new layout for the TIOBE index for the first time. Most important improvement is the interactive trend chart. You can hover over the trends and select/unselect languages. The next few weeks/months we will add all other functionality that is missing now. One other important change is that the sum of the ratings of all languages is now 100%. In the past the sum of the first 50 languages was…

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Python BlackJack

Here is the next instalment of the python assignments from the “Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python” course: The game’s feature set is small and basic. For example, there is no insurance, doubling down, splitting hand, or bet adjustment. However, the concepts developed in this assignments in include tiled imaging, and more sophisticated use of lists. BlackJack: Again, you have to click on the PLAY button on the top left-hand corner (shown below).

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A final word about the CNT disruption

In order to assess the ability to respond to the disruption of CNT technology, I have prepared a box score for vulnerability to potential disruptive threat assessment below. The resulting conclusion is that costs are the biggest factor affecting the semiconductor industries ability to react. As mentioned in question 1, the high costs associated with R&D and manufacturing in the semiconductor industry means that current facilities need to be planned well ahead of time. Uncertainty, risk, and complexity also make semiconductor road mapping tricky business. Box Score for vulnerability to disruptive technology threat – Semiconductor Manufacturing Firms Denial – 0 History – 0 Resistance to Change – 0 Mind Set – 0 Brand – 0 Sunk Costs – 10 Profitability – 10 Lack of Imagination – 0 The factors I will discuss therefore are: (1) costs and (2) uncertainty. Sunk costs problem implies that firms will not want to migrate…

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Data Analysis in R – Setting Loan Interest Rates

The following chart is the result of a data analysis of loan data for 2500 peer lending loans. The caption at the bottom explains the analysis results. This analysis was performed for the course: Data Analysis from Johns Hopkins University offered through Coursera. So far, it is a great experience. Figure Caption: All of the non-FICO factors that had significant ANOVA p-values are included in the stand-alone figure. Those factors are: (1) loan length, (2) amount requested, (3) amount funded, (4) debt to income ratio, (5) loan purpose, and (6) home ownership. In all charts, interest rate is shown on the Y-axis. Charts 1-3 depict factors confirmed to have significant impact on interest rates using a Tukey-HSD test, while figure 4-6 show factors that had significant ANOVA p-value, but were then determined to have an insignificant impact on interest rate. The overall correlation between FICO score level and interest rate…

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More about the CNT Disruption

The industry I have chosen to investigate, and claim will be a big disruption in the future – although it isn’t poised for market yet – is the carbon nanotube (CNT) processor. Carbon nano technology was highlighted as a disruptive technology in a May 2013 report from McKinsey Quarterly (Manyika, 2013). The reason I believe it will be disruptive is because carbon nano processors have the potential to be much more energy efficient and compact (per processing capacity) than silicon based transistors. The infamous Moore’s Law has accurately predicted the improvements of silicon based semiconductor technology since it was stated by Moore in 1965 (Moore, 1965). While 9nm silicon chips are manufactured today, the the inherent quantum limitations posed by silicon-based semiconductor technology threaten to cause the development pace to drop below Moore’s expected level of improvement by 2020 at the 7nm scale (Merritt, 2013). On the other hand, a…

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Try a game of memory to exercise your bain

It’s important to keep your brain fresh and running in tip top condition. On the other hand, leisure helps our brain relax, flush critical chemicals and perform hard-disk-utility-like maintenance on our memory systems. I’ve heard that the flash card game ‘memory‘ is a good way to sharpen your mind and it can be a little fun. If you want, try out this version of memory that I recently programmed in a massive open online course (MOOC): When you get to this page, you have to click on the play button located in the top left-hand corner, which looks like this:

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In order to ‘catch the wave’ of CNT technology, firms in the semiconductor industry will need to morph their business model to accommodate competition and new opportunities. The reason that I say “morph” the business model, instead of radically change it, is because the shift to CNT from silicon is not here yet, it is a long process forthcoming, and the shift will entail many years of extensive forecasting and planning. The stakes are high for semiconductor developers and manufacturers, so a careful balance between maintaining strong revenue streams, and investing it into R&D is more realistic strategy than a ‘flip the switch’ type of strategy. Although it is less likely that a new player will suddenly emerge onto the field and eat lunches (like Netflix is doing in online media) because of the high barrier to entry, patent activity should be carefully monitored and assessed to judge the relative…

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