NOTE: The USPC to CPC concordance pages mentioned in the original post are not available via the USPTO website anymore. So, I have posted the CSV of the concordance below.
You can download the CSV here:
The USPC to CPC statistical concordance table is available on the USPTO website:
The only problem is that it’s nearly impossible to download all the tables because they are all on separate pages. Here is a web-scraping python script to download all the tables for all USPC and create a CSV file. The script is available here and requires the BeautifulSoup library:
The parsed CSV file is available here:
The CSV includes the first 5 related CPC codes as columns and can be opened in excel or imported into a database.
Script needs modification because it skips pages with uspc codes<100 (as pages for these codes have leading 0s in URLs)
Oh. How silly. HAH! Here is the updated code. 🙂 I also have python scripts for the entire USPTO database if you want it!
Hi Is this possible for you to share the python scripts for the uspc to cpc again? Thank you
Looks like replaceing “str(i)” with “str(i).zfill(3)” in line 10 corrects it